Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The Blessed Places .. #ihw

A historic photograph of Masjid Al Haraam in 1951
In 1941, Masjid Al Haraam was flooded with rain after a very dry season.  However, the Tawaf of this Bait Al Ateeq never stops; people were making Tawaf while swimming.

Masjid Al Areesh, near the field of Badr. The first battle between Islam and Kufr took place in the field of Badr. Badr is located in the south of Madinah Al Munwwarah.
Mazar Hazrat Yusha’ bin Noon (Joshua b. Nun) (Peace be upon him) in the town of Zayy near the city of al-Salt in JordanYusha' bin Nun carried out the first assignment of Musa on their first arrival at the Promised land. After the death of Harun, he accompanied Musa in the desert for forty years and carried out all the assignments that were previously carried out by Harun. When they returned to the banks of Jordan River after their wretched journeys in the desert, Musa appointed him his deputy and went up the mountain for the last time. He never came back.
It was Yusha' bin Nun who led Bani Israel into the city of Yareho (Jericho) and arranged the settlement of the twelve tribes of Bani Israel in the land of Kin’ an. It was his responsibility to personally see the burial of the remains of Prophet Yusuf amongst his ancestors in accordance with his will.
He died when all the task of settling the Israelites was accomplished according to the Will of Allah.
Yusha' bin Nun is known as Joshua in the Torah.

Near the Dead Sea, you can visit the famous Lot's Cave. Prophet Lot 'Lot' Peace be Upon Himimmigrated with his uncle, Prophet Abraham Peace be Upon Himfrom Ur in Iraq. He went to live in the region just south of the Dead Sea.
He fled Allah's destruction of his village Sodom due to its inhabitants' immoral practices, by taking refuge in this cave with his daughters. Allah The One and Only Godturned his wife into a pillar of salt for disobeying Allah's command not to look back at Sodom as it burnt.

Within a mosque to the west of Salt city in Jordan, on a hill carrying his name lies the shrine of Prophet Yusha (Joshua). He was the apprentice of Prophet Moses and later his successor. Prophet Joshua led the army of the tribes of Israel in conquest over theland of Palestine

Southwest of Salt in an area known as Khirbet Ayyoub foundations of an ancient building mark the final resting place of Prophet Ayyoub Job who is mentioned in the Holy Quran four times. His legendary patience and faith gave him strength to endure tremendous hardships. Ultimately Prophet Job was rewarded with blessings, as stated in the Holy Quran (Sura 21, verses 83-84)
According to some traditions, Prophet Hud (Peace be upon him) was buried here. This Mazar is located Karak,Jordan.
Mazar-e-Anwar Hazrat Sayyidna Nooh (Noah) (Peace be upon him) in KarakJordan. Allah The One and Only Godsent Noah Peace be Upon Himto his people to warn them of divine punishment if they continued to worship idols. As stated in the Holy Qur'an in a Sura entitled Noah (Sura 71, verses 1-3): "We sent Noah to his People (with the Command): Do thou warn thy People before there comes to them a grievous Chastisement. He said, O my People! I am to you a Warner, clear and open: That ye should worship Allah, fear Him and obey me".

According to some unauthentic traditions, the Deluge of Prophet Noah (Peace be upon him) started the journey from this place.  This is in Iraq.

Prophet Noah’s Ark  (Nooh) (Peace be upon him)
In 1959, stereo photos where taken by a Turkish airline pilot of a boat shaped object on the mountains of Ararat for The Geodetic Institute of Turkey.
It lay 6,300 feet above sea level, much too high to be the remains of a boat from a local flood. It is over 200 miles from the nearest sea. The dimensions were consistent with the Biblical description of Noah's Ark in Gen. 6:15, measuring 300 cubits long. The width was greater than that mentioned in the Bible as the sides of the boat had splayed, which would be expected in a boat of that age.

Prophet Noah’s Ark  (Nooh) (Peace be upon him)
When tested the material at Galbraith Laboratories inKnoxvilleTennessee and it proved to be laminated, petrified wood. Tests for carbon showed that samples from the site contained much higher carbon content than the surrounding area. The specimen from the site proved to be 4.95% carbon, while the specimen from the surrounding area, tested at 1.88%. Thus, the specimen from the site had once been living matter. Such sophisticated alloys as iron, titanium and aluminium also proved to be present. With only a superficial inspection, the rib timbers and deck joists are clearly visible along the entire length of the ship.
Prophet Noah’s Ark  (Nooh) (Peace be upon him)
The Turkish government has also sent their own archaeological team, who recovered four intact metal rods, each about four foot long. These are now in the possession of the Ministry of Mines and Minerals, inTurkey. They have officially dedicated the site as a national park declaring it to be the remains of Noah'sArk!
In Jannatul Baqee (Madinah Sharif), the Qabr-e-Anwar Hazrat Haleemah Sa’diyah (May Allah be pleased with her), the foster mother of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).  Hazrat Haleemah Sa’diyah (May Allah be pleased with her) fed her own breast milk to Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) when he (Peace be upon him) was an infant baby.
Mazar-e-Aqdas  Prophet Hazrat Haroun (Aaron) (Peace be upon him) at the Jabal Al Haroun, near PetraJordan
Mazar-e-Aqdas  Prophet Hazrat Haroun (Aaron) (Peace be upon him) at the Jabal Al Haroun, nearPetraJordan
This is the Masjid Bilal Ibn Rabah in Bethlehem,Palestine
The entrance of Masjid Imam Ali (May Allah be pleased with him) near the battlefield of Khandaq, near Madinah Al Munawwarah
As the supreme commander of the Northern Muslim Army, Abu Ubeida May Allah be Pleased with Himsuccessfully conquered Greater Syria. Prophet Mohammad Peace and Blessings be Upon Himdubbed him "The Trustee of the Nation" because of the knowledge he acquired.
When the Prophet Peace and Blessings be Upon Himdied, Abu Ubeida May Allah be Pleased with Himwas among the candidates for the Caliphate. He believed Abu Bakr Al-Siddiq May Allah be Pleased with Himwas to lead the Muslims and become Caliph because Prophet Mohammad Peace and Blessings be Upon Himhad asked him to lead prayers upon his death.
Abu Ubeida May Allah be Pleased with Himthus managed to avoid insurrection and disunity amongst Muslims. At the age of 58, hefell victim to the Great Plague that spread through Greater Syria. In the central Jordan Valley, his tomb is a major Islamic center with a mosque, library, and a cultural center.

Masjid Al Fatah near the battlefield of Khandaq (trench), near Madinah Sharif
Masjid Ameer ul Mo’mineen, Sayyidna Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (May Allah be pleased with him) near the battlefield of Khandaq, near Madinah Al Sharif.
This is Masjid Salman Al Farsi (May Allah be pleased with him) near the battlefield of Khandaq (trench), near Madinah Sharif. The battle of trench (Khandaq) was the third battle between Islam and Kufr.
Mazarat of the Martyrs of Badr (May Allah be pleased with them). Fourteen Muslims were martyred, of whom 6 were Muhajirin (Muslims of Makkah who had migrated to Madina), and 8 were Ansar (Muslims of Madina who helped the Muhajirin settle in Madina). Of the 8 Ansar, 6 were from the tribe of Khazraj, hence called al-Khazraji, and 2 were from the tribe of Aws, hence called al-Awsi. Their names have been given below.
1.       Hazrat Haritha bin Suraqa al-Khazraji,  Rady Allahu 'Anhu.
2.       Hazrat Dhush-shimaalayn ibn 'Abdi 'Amr al-Muhajiri, Rady Allahu 'Anhu.
3.       Hazrat Rafi' bin al-Mu'alla al-Khazraji, Rady Allahu 'Anhu
4.       Hazrat Sa'd bin Khaythama al-Awsi, Rady Allahu 'Anhu
5.       Hazrat Safwan bin Wahb al-Muhajiri, Rady Allahu 'Anhu.
6.       Hazrat Aaqil bin al-Bukayr al-Muhajiri, Rady Allahu 'Anhu.
7.       Hazrat 'Ubayda bin al-Harith al-Muhajiri, Rady Allahu 'Anhu.
8.       Hazrat 'Umayr bin al-Humam al-Khazraji, Rady Allahu 'Anhu.
9.       Hazrat 'Umayr bin Abi Waqqas al-Muhajiri, Rady Allahu 'Anhu.
10.    Hazrat 'Awf bin al-Harith al-Khazraji, Rady Allahu 'Anhu.
11.    Hazrat Mubashshir bin 'Abdi'l Mundhir al-Awsi, Rady Allahu 'Anhu.
12.    Hazrat Mu'awwidh bin al-Harith al-Khazraji, Rady Allahu 'Anhu.
13.    Hazrat Mihja' bin Salih al-Muhajiri, Rady Allahu 'Anhu.
14.    Hazrat Yazid bin al-Harith bin Fushum al-Khazraji, Rady Allahu 'Anhu.
In Damascus, the Mazar Mubarak Hazrat Abdullah ibn Ja'far Al-Tayyar (May Allah be pleased with him), the son of  Hazrat Ja'far ibn Abu Talib and the nephew, and son-in-law of Hazrat Imam Ali Ibn Abi Talib (May Allah be pleased with him).
Hazrat Abdullah ibn Ja'far  (May Allah be pleased with him) married to Sayyidah Zainab ibn Ali (May Allah be pleased with her).   Hazrat Ali (Alaihissalam) felt a great affection for his daughter and nephew and when he became the Caliph of the Muslims and moved fromMedina to Kufa, Hazrat Zainab and Hazrat Abdullah (May Allah be pleased with them) joined him.  Hazrat Zainab bore four boys and two girls by the names: Ali ibn Abdullah , Mohammad ibn Abdullah - martyred on the lands of Karbala, Aun ibn Abdullah - martyred on the lands of Kerbala and Abbas ibn Abdullah , and two girls. (May Allah be pleased with them).

Mazar-e-Aqdas of Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Rawahah, the Companion, the scribe of WAHEE and the Poet of Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him). The first clash between Muslims and Byzantines took place at Mu’tah, 10 KM South of Karak, Jordan in 629 A.D., in which three Commanders of Islamic army were martyred: Zaid Ibn Harithah, Jaafar Ibn Abi Talib and Abdullah Ibn Rawaha (May Allah be pleased with them),  Hazrat Abdullah ibn Rawahah  was buried at El Mazar near Mu’tah .
Mazar Mubarak Hazrat Shurhabil Ibn Hasnah (May Allah be pleased with him) in Jordan valley, Jordan. Shortly afterwards, Arab Muslim armies penetrated intoJordan led by Shurhabil Ibn Hasnah. In A.D. 636 the Byzantine armies were defeated in the battle of Yarmouk and Muslims advanced on to Damascus.
Mazar Mubarak Hazrat Abu Ubaidah Ibn Jarrah (May Allah be pleased with him) in the Central Jordan valley,Jordan

In MashhadIran, Rowdha Al Mubarikah of Hazrat Imam Redha (Reza) (May Allah be pleased with him)
Mazar Mubarak of Hazrat Abdul Ghani Al Nabusi (May Allah be pleased with him) in DamascusSyria
In Jannatul Baqee, Mazarat of the daughters of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), Hazrat Umm-e-Kulthoom, Hazrat Ruqyyah and Hazrat Zainab (May Allah’s peace upon them)
Hazrat Syed Badiuddin Zinda Shah Madar (May Allah’s blessings upon him) is a prominent Sufi saint whose tomb is situated in Makanpur, near Kanpurcity in the State of Uttar Pradesh in INDIA. The annual Urs Mubarak is celebrated with great charm and the pilgrims crowd over from various parts of the country as well as foreigners attends the function with faith. The people are blessed with the prayers of the Sufi saint who lived for 596 years. He is also known as Qutub-ul-Madar.

The Saint of BucharestRomania
The house of the mother of Shaikh Al Islam, Hazrat Bahauddin Naqshband in Uzbekistan
Qabr-e-Anwar Hazrat Syed Badiuddin Shah Madar (May Allah’s blessings upon him)
This is the place in Baghdad where Guru Nanak camped (Meditated)  (Chillah Gah) for several months before returning back to India.   This place is near the Mazar of Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jilani (May Allah be pleased with him).

Many Muslim historians believe that Guru Nanak was a Muslim. He visited Makkah and performed Umrah. Guru Nanak wrote several poems (Naat) praising Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him).

Although in Sikhism, Guru Nanak is considered as the founder of Sikhism but in fact, their last Guru Gobind Singh formally declared Sikhism as a religion.  This photo has been posted based upon the assumption that Guru Nanak was in fact a Muslim.

More than 1000 years old historic Mosque in Sian Fu,Western China
Mazarat in SarajevoBosnia Herzegovina

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