Friday, 18 July 2014


* When entering the toilet, it is necessary to leave the pages containing some parts or verses of the Quran.

* It is recommended (mustahab) to say bismillah and read the following prayer before entering the toilet:

(O Allah! I seek Your protection against filth and impurities).

* It is necessary to enter the toilet with the left foot and exit with the right foot.

* One should not face the qiblah in the toilet and should not turn his back directly to the qiblah.

* One must not talk in the toilet unless it is obligatory. One must not answer the greeting of another person while he is in the toilet.

* It is one of the manners of the toilet not to spit or not to blow your nose, causing an unpleasant view in the toilet.

*Not to urinate while standing unless there is an obligation.

* It is one of the manners of toilet to say the following when you come out of the toilet:

(Praise be to Allah, who relieved me from the suffering and gave me health).

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